本《用户许可协议》(以下简称《协议》)是您(个人或单一机构团体)与上述 北鼻说软件(以下称"软件'或"软件产品")版权所有人北鼻说之间的法律协议。在您使用本软件产品之前请务必阅读此《协议》,任何与 《协议》有关的软件、电子文档等都应是按本协议的条款而授予您的,同时本《协议》亦适用于任何有关本软件产品的后期发行和升级。您一旦安装、使用本软件产品,即表示您同意接受本《协议》各项条款的约束。本软件产品受著作权法及国际著作权条约和其它知识产权法及条约的保护。本软件产品只许可使用,而不出售,不得用于商业目的的活动之中。
1. 许可与限制:
限制:用户须知,除本协议明确授权的许可和权利外,北鼻说未授予用户任何其它许可和权利。比如对许可软件进行分发、复制、反向工程、反编译或反汇编。 任何组织或个人未经重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 授权而利用北鼻说软件以任何方式为公众服务并同时满足其自身特定目的而分发、复制和传播本软件产品, 均被视为侵权,北鼻说有权用法律手段进行追究。
2. 终止: 如您未遵守本《协议》的各项条件,本《协议》自行终止。 个别授权: 如有任何组织或个人利用本软件以任何方式为公众服务并同时满足其自身特定目的而分发、复制和传播本软件产品,均须得到版权人授权同意后方可进行,否则视为侵权。
3. 知识产权 商业标识: 本《协议》不授予您由版权人重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 所拥有的商标、商号或其他体现本方商业表征的商业标识(“商业标识”)的任何权利。 北鼻说软件产品(包括但不限于本软件产品中所含的任何图象、声音、动画、文字和程序)及本软件产品的任何附加产品的一切所有权和知识产权,均由版权人重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 拥有。 本《协议》不授予您使用这些内容的权利。
4. 有限保证 无保证: 使用本软件产品涉及到Internet服务,可能会受到各个环节不稳定因素的影响,因此服务存在不可抗力、计算机病毒、黑客攻击、系统不稳定、 用户所在位置、用户关机、及其他任何技术、互联网络、通信线路原因等造成的服务中断或不能满足用户要求的风险。 用户须承担以上风险,重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 不承诺对因此导致用户不能搜索和下载文件、发送和接收信息等各项北鼻说提供的服务承担任何的责任, 使用本软件产品由用户自己承担风险,在适用法律允许的最大范围内,北鼻说公司在任何情况下不就因使用或者不能使用本软件产品所发生的特殊的、意外的非直接或者间接的损失承担赔偿责任, 即使已实现被告知此事件发生的可能性。 造成损失无责任: 在使用本软件产品存在有来自任何他人的包括威胁性、亵渎性、令人反感的、侵害个人隐私权、版权、或者非法的内容或者行为, 或对他人权利的侵犯(包括知识产权)的匿名或者署名的信息的风险。用户须承担以上风险,北鼻说公司对北鼻说服务不作任何类型的担保和承诺,不论是明确的或者隐含的, 包括所有有关信息的真实性、适用性、适于某一特定用途、所有权和非侵权的默示担保和条件,对因此导致任何因用户不正当或非法使用服务产生的直接、间接、偶然、特殊、及后续的损害,不承担任何的责任。
特别提醒用户,使用互联网必须遵守国家有关的政策和法律,如刑法、国家安全法、保密法、计算机信息系统安全保护条例,保护国家利益;保护国家安全。 对于违法或者不当使用互联网络而引起的一切责任,由用户负全部责任。
1. 用户应规范合法地使用北鼻说系列软件,不得使用北鼻说发送或者传播敏感信息或者违反国家法律制度的信息;用户不得使用北鼻说发送或者传播虚假、骚扰性、侮辱性、恐吓性、 伤害性、挑衅性、庸俗性、淫秽色情性信息;用户不得在未经北鼻说允许下进行买卖行为,拍卖行为,支付金钱及其他的类似行为;用户不得在未经北鼻说允许下使用北鼻说软件或软件的内容进行任何商业行为。
2. 用户使用北鼻说软件时可能会被北鼻说读取一些信息(比如基于网络的粗略位置、GPS位置、网络通信、手机状态、wifi状态等),这是由于北鼻说产品本身已拥有中文、英语、 日语、法语、阿拉伯语、俄语等多国语言,以便于北鼻说有针对性的开发个性化产品;iOS与android手机设备多样化,我们需要进行多种兼容性测试以保证北鼻说用户能正常使用软件; 由于移动互联行业的特殊性,北鼻说产品需要配合硬件的升级进行产品本身或者产品自身品质的升级,因此可能需要读取wifi来告知用户是否有升级产品出现, 如没有启动wifi则不提示.这样可以避免用户在不知情的情况下更新产品,造成不必要的流量损耗等等诸如此列的原因。北鼻说承诺所读取到的任何信息,只被使用于北鼻说软件的开发, 而不会透入给第三方(其它个人或公司),除非得到您的许可或法律或政府的强制规定。
3. 北鼻说和大多数因特网软件一样,易受到各种安全问题的困挠,比如下载安装的其他软件或者文件中含有各种病毒,威胁到个人计算机上信息和数据的安全,进而威胁北鼻说软件的使用等情况; 因此用户应加强个人资料保护意识,以免对个人生活或正常使用北鼻说服务造成不必要的影响。
4. 青少年特别是13岁以下的儿童上网与使用北鼻说系列软件应该在其家长或监护人指导下,正确学习使用北鼻说软件,我们鼓励未满 13 岁儿童的家长和监护人定期检查和监控他们 使用电子邮件及参加其它在线活动的情况。
5. 用户不应散布对北鼻说公司不利言论和诋毁北鼻说形象的行为,情节恶劣者,北鼻说有权上诉,并付诸法律。
6. 用户不得利用北鼻说进行违反国家法律的活动,如有发现,北鼻说公司会应公安部门的要求,全力协助调查工作。
用户注意,重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 对他人权利的侵犯(包括知识产权)不承担责任,且对任何第三方通过服务发送或在服务中包含的任何内容不承担责任。
本协议条款应符合中华人民共和国法律法规的规定,用户和重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 一致同意接受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。当本协议条款与中华人民共和国法律相抵触时, 则这些条款将完全按法律规定重新解释或重新修订,而其它条款则依旧对重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 及用户产生法律效力
重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 有权在必要时对本协议内容进行追加、变更、中止、终止。且该修改以符合国家法律法规的规定,并不侵害用户的合法权益为必要前提。 重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 协议条款一旦发生变动,将会在重要页面上提示修改内容。用户若不同意重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 改动的内容,可以主动停止与北鼻说软件的下载与使用关系; 若用户继续享用重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 网络服务,则重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 有权视为该用户已接受该协议条款的变动并原意受变动后协议条款的约束。
七、重庆北鼻说网络科技有限公司 拥有对以上各项条款和内容的最终解释权。
Use statement
Users of Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. are requested to carefully read the following user license authorization agreement. If you do not agree to this agreement, you cannot use Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. software. Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. (hereinafter referred to as Beibishuo) grants you the final use license of this software program. But you must make the following guarantees to Beibi:
This "User License Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is a law between you (individual or a single organization) and the copyright owner of the above-mentioned Beibishuo software (hereinafter referred to as "software" or "software product") Agreement. Please be sure to read this "Agreement" before you use this software product. Any software and electronic documents related to the "Agreement" should be granted to you in accordance with the terms of this agreement. At the same time, this "Agreement" also applies to Any subsequent releases and upgrades of this software product. Once you install and use this software product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. This software product is subject to copyright laws, international copyright treaties and other intellectual property laws And the protection of the treaty. This software product is only licensed to be used, not sold, and may not be used in activities for commercial purposes.
1. Software product protection clause
1. Licenses and restrictions:
Authorization: Beibishuo authorizes Beibishuo users to install and use Beibishuo products: you can install an unlimited number of this software product to use
Restrictions: Notice to users, except for the licenses and rights expressly authorized by this agreement, Beibi said that it has not granted users any other licenses and rights. Such as distribution, copying, reverse engineering, decompilation or disassembly of licensed software. Any organization or individual without the authorization of Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. uses Beibisu Software to serve the public in any way and at the same time to satisfy its own specific purposes to distribute, copy and disseminate this software product is regarded as infringement. Beibi said it has the right to pursue investigations by legal means.
2. Termination: If you fail to comply with the conditions of this "Agreement", this "Agreement" will terminate automatically. Individual authorization: If any organization or individual uses this software to serve the public in any way while satisfying its own specific purpose to distribute, copy, and disseminate this software product, it must be authorized by the copyright owner before proceeding, otherwise it will be regarded as an infringement .
3. Intellectual property business logo: This "Agreement" does not grant you any rights to trademarks, trade names or other business logos ("commercial logos") owned by the copyright owner Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. . All ownership and intellectual property rights of Beibi said software products (including but not limited to any images, sounds, animations, texts and programs contained in this software product) and any additional products of this software product are owned by the copyright owner Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. This "Agreement" does not grant you the right to use these contents.
4. Limited Warranty No Warranty: The use of this software product involves Internet services, which may be affected by unstable factors in various links. Therefore, the service is subject to force majeure, computer viruses, hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and The risk of service interruption or failure to meet user requirements caused by any other technology, internet, communication line, etc. The user shall bear the above risks. Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. does not undertake to assume any responsibility for the services provided by Beibishuo, such as the user’s inability to search and download files, send and receive information, etc. The use of this software product is the user’s At your own risk, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, Beibi said that the company will not be liable for any special, accidental, indirect or indirect losses arising from the use or inability to use this software product under any circumstances, even if The possibility of being notified of this event has been realized. No liability for damage caused: There are threats, profane, offensive, infringement of personal privacy, copyright, or illegal content or behavior from any other person in the use of this software product, or violation of the rights of others (including Intellectual property) anonymous or signed information. The user shall bear the above risks. Beibi said the company will not make any type of guarantees and promises for Beibi Shuo’s services, whether explicit or implicit, including the authenticity, applicability, and suitability of all relevant information for a specific purpose, The implied warranty and conditions of ownership and non-infringement shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, and subsequent damages caused by the user's improper or illegal use of the service.
2. Notice to users. Users are reminded that when using the Internet, they must comply with relevant national policies and laws, such as criminal law, national security law, confidentiality law, and computer information system security protection regulations to protect national interests and protect national security. The user shall be fully responsible for all responsibilities caused by illegal or improper use of the Internet.
1. Users should use the Beibishuo series software in a regulated and legal manner, and shall not use Beibishuo to send or disseminate sensitive information or information that violates the national legal system; users shall not use Beibishuo to send or spread false, harassing, insulting, or intimidating information. Sexual, harmful, provocative, vulgar, obscene and pornographic information; users are not allowed to buy or sell, auction, pay money and other similar behaviors without the permission of Beibi. Use Beibi Shuo software or the content of the software to conduct any commercial activities.
2. When the user uses the Beibishuo software, some information (such as rough location based on the network, GPS location, network communication, mobile phone status, wifi status, etc.) may be read by the Beibishuo software. This is because the Beibishuo product itself has With Chinese, English, Japanese, French, Arabic, Russian and other languages, it is convenient for Beibi to develop personalized products; iOS and android mobile devices are diversified, and we need to conduct a variety of compatibility tests to ensure that Beibi said Bi said users can use the software normally; due to the particularity of the mobile internet industry, Beibi said products need to cooperate with hardware upgrades to upgrade the product itself or the quality of the product itself, so it may be necessary to read the wifi to inform users whether there is an upgraded product. If wifi is not activated, no prompt is given. This can prevent users from updating the product without their knowledge, causing unnecessary traffic loss and other reasons such as this. Beibishuo promises that any information read will only be used for the development of Beibishuo's software, and will not be passed on to third parties (other individuals or companies) unless you have your permission or legal or government mandates .
3. Beibi said that, like most Internet software, it is vulnerable to various security issues, such as downloading and installing other software or files containing various viruses, threatening the security of information and data on personal computers, and then threatening Beibei. The use of BiShuo software, etc.; therefore, users should strengthen their awareness of personal information protection to avoid unnecessary impact on personal life or normal use of BeiShuo’s services.
4. Adolescents, especially children under 13 years old, should go online and use Beibishuo software under the guidance of their parents or guardians to learn to use Beibishuo software correctly. We encourage parents and guardians of children under 13 to check and monitor regularly Their use of e-mail and other online activities.
5. Users should not spread unfavorable remarks to the company and behaviors that slander the company's image. If the circumstances are bad, the company has the right to appeal and put it into law.
6. Users are not allowed to use Beibi said to conduct activities that violate national laws. If found, Beibi said the company will fully assist in the investigation at the request of the public security department.
3. Users are particularly reminded that Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. is not responsible for the infringement of the rights of others (including intellectual property rights), and is not responsible for any content sent by any third party through the service or included in the service.
4. Application of law The terms of this agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. The user and Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. agree to accept the jurisdiction of the laws of the People's Republic of China. When the terms of this agreement conflict with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, these terms will be completely reinterpreted or revised in accordance with the law, and other terms will still have legal effect on Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. and its users.
V. Modification of the terms of the agreement Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. has the right to add, change, suspend or terminate the content of this agreement when necessary. And the modification is necessary to comply with the provisions of national laws and regulations and not to infringe the legitimate rights and interests of users. Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. will prompt the revised content on important pages once the terms of the agreement are changed. If the user disagrees with the content changed by Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited., he can voluntarily stop downloading and using the software; If the user continues to enjoy the Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. network service, then Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. Network Technology Co., Ltd. has the right to consider that the user has accepted the changes to the terms of the agreement and originally intended to be bound by the terms of the agreement after the changes.
6. The agreement becomes effective. This agreement is published on the official website of Beibishuo. When the user chooses to use Beibishuo's software, this agreement will take effect immediately.
7. Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited. has the final right to interpret the above terms and contents.
Copyright © 2021 Star Q-Baby Kids Education Games Cultural Communicaion Co., Limited